Personal Injury Lawyer
Columbus, Ohio

Ohio Traffic Safety Watch: These Behaviors Aren’t Just “Annoying.”

Ohio car accident attorneyMany people spend a lot of time as a passenger in a car, either with a spouse or with friends.  Recently, decided to take a survey of how these passengers view the people who are driving the vehicles they are riding in. According to the Columbus Dispatch, 36 percent of the drivers who were surveyed said that their spouse was the most annoying driver. Also ranking as "annoying" were friends, labeled by 22 percent as the most annoying driver. A total of 16 percent of respondents listed their mother as the culprit and nine percent said their fathers were the ones who most annoyed them behind the wheel.

When asked about the types of behaviors that people found "annoying," the listed behaviors included speeding; following too closely; fiddling with the radio; talking on a cell phone; cutting off other drivers; and looking at passengers instead of looking at the road.  Unfortunately, an experienced texting while driving accident lawyer in Columbus, OH knows these behaviors aren't mere annoyances: they are behaviors that can be deadly.

Dangerous Driving Behaviors Do More than Just Annoy Passengers 

Drivers who are looking at the radio, talking on their phones or paying attention to the passengers instead of the road are at great risk of causing distracted driving crashes. In 2012, 3,328 people were killed in distracted driving crashes and an estimated 421,000 people were hurt. For drivers under the age of 20, eleven percent of those involved in fatal crashes were distracted.

Passengers in cars with drivers who are engaging in these distracted behaviors should be more than just annoyed, they should be concerned about the grave danger that the driver is putting them in and that the driver is causing to every other person on the road. If you are in a car with someone who is distracted while driving, the best option is to try to politely ask the person not to do the distracting behavior and to pay attention to the road.

If the driver resists, you can explain the serious risks associated with distracted driving or you can offer to drive the vehicle so that your spouse or friend can continue to talk on the phone or change the radio.  Speaking up may be uncomfortable, but it could also save your life.  If the driver truly won't make a change and make a commitment to stop driving distracted, you should exit the situation as soon as it is possible and safe to do so and do everything possible to avoid driving with the distracted driver in the future.

A driver who is speeding also is taking his own life and the lives of passengers and other motorists into his hands. The NHTSA reports that speeding was a contributing factor of 31 percent of fatal car crashes in 2009 and that 10,591 people were killed in speeding-related accidents. Just like with distracted drivers, you should not just remain quiet as you sit in the car with someone who is speeding and putting you at risk.

If you or a loved one was hurt in an Ohio car crash, contact a car accident lawyer in Columbus, OH today the Smith Law office today. Call 800-930-SCOTT to schedule a free consultation.

Categories: Car Accident

Scott Smith is a lawyer based out of Columbus, Ohio. He works hard to protect the rights of personal injury victims. He has three decades of experience in Central Ohio in cases ranging from car and truck accidents to premises liability.

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