Personal Injury Lawyer
Columbus, Ohio

Causes of Truck Accidents

A Truck Accident Attorney Who Understands How Accidents Happen

By the very nature of an accident involving a 4,000-pound car and fully loaded 80,000-pound tractor trailer, the injuries suffered by you and your loved ones could be devastating, requiring a long, difficult and expensive series of treatments and therapy. It's quite possible that your lives will never by the same. You may never work again. Your family may be facing the trauma of a wrongful death lawsuit. Scott Elliot Smith has more than three decades of experience in handling Columbus personal injury truck accidents. He knows you are entitled to compensation for hospitalization and other medical bills, pain and suffering, emotional distress, lost wages, disfigurement or physical therapy.

Causes Of Truck Accidents And Why Truckers Are Liable

Like any business, the trucking industry deals with a fundamental conflict - maximizing profit while minimizing expenses. Unfortunately, some trucking companies are willing to cut corners and "look the other way" if their actions or inactions mean a few more dollars for the bottom line. When a truck accident occurs on a Central Ohio highway, one of the following causes is likely at play:

  • Speeding
  • Overloaded trucks
  • Drunk driving or driving under the influence of drugs (impaired truck drivers)
  • Drivers who lack either the proper licensing or specialized training
  • Driver fatigue
  • Trucking company negligence (inadequate maintenance, inspection and repair of vehicles)
  • Drivers who are distracted by cell phones, texting or other mobile devices.

But don't expect truck drivers or trucking companies to accept responsibility for the accident. And their insurance companies will back them up, because they are only interested in the bottom line and want to pay you as little as possible. They may even suggest that you were somehow to blame for what happened.

Contact a Columbus Truck Accident Lawyer

Scott Elliot Smith knows where to look for evidence of negligence by truck drivers and trucking companies. He will carefully review all documents related to your accident - police reports, medical records, employee records and safety reports. He identifies witnesses and knows what questions to ask them. And if needed, he will consult an accident reconstruction expert or other experts to help him build a strong case.

If you or a loved one has been injured due to a trucking company that places more importance on profit than on public safety, you need an aggressive Central Ohio truck accident attorney to represent your legal and financial interests. Call Scott Elliot Smith for a free consultation at 614-874-1056 or contact us online.

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